Sunday, February 05, 2006

Here is a Head Scratcher

I'm going to have a guilt complex now.

Tran Sient:
Thanks for the Cindy For Senate links. I enjoyed reading your blog. I will keep up with it in the future.

I always try to reciprocate with a link back if I can. You can understand my difficulties in figuring out a way to do this with the Cindy For Senate page. However, I have a link to your site up on the Cindy page now. If it is not OK, let me know and I will remove it.

Unfortunately, our traffic has died down during the past 2 days so I do not know how many hits you will get from the link. You never know things may pickup again. A friend of mine, who is from the Middle East, called today and told me he had found a reference to the Cindy For Senate site on the Islamic Republic of Iran News page, but it is not in their English edition.

Should I keep quiet or fill her in? In any case, go vote!!!

Cindy for Senate
