Monday, February 06, 2006

Media Turning on Cindy Sheehan

I was hoping the media would keep its trap shut, but John W. Mashek of US News has let the cat out of the bag. Someone tell them to wait until after Cindy Sheehan announces her candidacy.

A Capital View: Duo's antics signal U-turn on Democrats' comeback trail

Liberals should be embarrassed this week by the antics of antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

But they aren’t, so why fight it?

Leave it to far-left Democrats to mar what seems to be a comeback season for the party's congressional candidates this fall.

There has to be some kind of excuse for the coming failure.

Sheehan has lost a son to the war. Compassion for her loss is deserved and understood. But the TV cameras have given her a celebrity status and it has gone to her head.Those interviews outside the president's ranch in Crawford gave her too much TV time and strained her judgment.

Strained her judgment? What the heck does that mean?

First, she visits leftist President Hugo Chávez in Venezuela to recruit him for the antiwar effort in the United States. A silly move.

Then she sends up flares that she may symbolically oppose Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California in the party primaries. A stupid move.

Don’t believe them Cindy! They’re just protecting one of their own. I bet Castro will make a campaign appearance or two as well if you remote feed of course.

Senator Feinstein has been a distinguished lawmaker, one the Republicans have no chance of defeating unless she is roughed up in a primary.

They’re afraid of you.

Sheehan and Clark were together this week in a news conference to call for President Bush's impeachment. Fox News loved it. I'm certain Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, Ann Coulter, and other right wing extremists loved it, too.

I know I did! I love being an extremist. Ever since a minority started speaking for the mainstream, it seemed like the place to be.