Monday, February 27, 2006

Leftist Indoctrination Class In Maryland Highschool

Why on Earth is this offered in a public high school? Nothing like a little indoctrination funded by Joe Public. Welcome to Maryland.

Peace class causes Maryland ruckus

The class, offered in Montgomery County since 1988, uses a book of essays on peace edited by McCarthy. A recent class, the Post said, included a death penalty opponent and another offered students a chance to stand along a nearby highway and protest the Iraq war.

Just one more chapter in the bizarre world that we know as Montgomery County. Better them than us.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Trans...Something or Other

Have we lost our minds? I know my name is Tran, but this gives me the creeps somehow. I suppose I'm just closed minded.

Hidden past, hopeful future for trans athletes

The International Olympics Committee officially changed its rules for transsexual people in 2004. To compete, an athlete must wait for two years after sex-reassignment surgery.

Forget the moral or taste issues. Has it occured to anyone that this is CHEATING?! For a group that comes down like an anvil on roids, I'm a bit surprised that the International Olympics Committee has taken the European 'anything goes' attitude over cheating.

Think about it. How many 'women to men' will be competing with the men? I going to go out on a limb here and say 'none'. It's all 'men to women' and it's cheating, plain and simple.

Perhaps the biggest hurdle facing the athletes is convincing critics that male-to-female transsexuals do not have a physical advantage over their competitors.


Pilgrim said she believes the only sport in which men-to-women transsexuals might have an advantage is swimming, because these athletes gain body fat, which assists buoyancy.

Right. Well that's something I never knew. If I'm reading that right, men float better? Especially fat ones?

Carroll compared the struggle facing transsexual athletes to the gay and lesbian movement 20 years ago.

So anything goes. Not boundaries. No Worries. If you don't agree, you're ignorant, bigoted and evil. When are the polygamists going to realize this?

People don’t understand who a transgendered person is at all. It’s not about their sexual orientation,” she said. “It’s about how they feel pertaining to gender. That’s a hard thing to wrap your head around.

Like I said, ignorant, bigoted, evil. You can't have an opinion unless it's the 'correct' one.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Americans Do Not Fear Casualties: WaPo

I’m thinking that the Washington Post should require its reporters to read its own blog.

Overstating the Impact of Iraq War Casualties

I learned that the American military, the highest reaches of government and the news media all operate with a false assumption about how the American public views war casualties. Americans are NOT inherently casualty averse. What is more, according to survey data, it is NOT true that the public will only support the use of force if there are low casualties.

If it takes a trip to Duke to help them figure it out, fine. But I could have saved them some time and effort.

This isn't the conventional wisdom, so the government operates in false defensive mode and the media reports casualties as if they were the only measure of success and failure.

What these military studies reveal, however, is that the Bush administration in Afghanistan followed the same, if not even stricter, rules of engagement regarding civilian collateral damage and casualties than the Clinton administration.

This ignores the fact that screaming libs don’t scream when a Dem is in office, but it’s still an interesting point.

"If there is a purpose to casualties, Americans will hang in there," Dauber said in a telephone interview.

But in the absence of government explanation and media context, Dauber says "the lack of context becomes its own context."

The hilarious part of this blog entry is the comments section below the article. It is full of screaming libs who completely missed the point, thus, reinforcing the point.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A Green Bush

I have to wonder if this might muzzle Al Gore.

Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough

Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would "startle" most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil.

Well, fill us in for goodness sakes!

Why must the press include statements like the following?

Energy conservation groups and environmentalists say they're pleased that the president, a former oil man in Texas, is stressing alternative sources of energy, but they contend his proposals don't go far enough. They say the administration must consider greater fuel-efficiency standards for cars, and some economists believe it's best to increase the gas tax to force consumers to change their driving habits.

Some economists, no doubt, believe it's best not to increase the gas tax. If they have nothing to say, I really wish the media would leave these agenda driven comments out.

"We're on the edge of some amazing breakthroughs breakthroughs all aimed at enhancing our national security and our economic security and the quality of life of the folks who live here in the United States."

Monday, February 13, 2006

Another Flawed UN Gitmo Report

I’m not sure which is more laughable. The fact that the UN issued a report critical of Gitmo or that the Press treats the report as credible.

U.N.: U.S. tortures Guantanamo detainees

A U.N. investigation has concluded that the United States committed acts amounting to torture at Guantanamo Bay, including force-feeding detainees and subjecting them to prolonged solitary confinement, according to a draft report obtained Monday.

Let’s, for the moment, ignore that fact that force feeding and solitary confinement for Al Qaeda terrorists isn’t going to outrage a whole lot of Americans. Who actually wrote this report?

U.S. officials rejected the report, saying it was riddled with errors and treated statements from detainees’ lawyers as fact.

No surprise there.

The report from five U.N. human rights experts also recommended the United States close Guantanamo Bay and revoke all special interrogation techniques authorized by the Department of Defense.

Ah ha, another clue. Five UN human rights experts? Who could they be?

It accused the United States of violating the detainees’ rights to a fair trial, to freedom of religion and to health.

Cry me a river.

The five U.N. experts have mandates that cover torture, freedom of religion, health, independent judiciary and arbitrary detention. They started working together in June 2004 to monitor conditions at Guantanamo Bay.

They were appointed to their three-year terms by the 53-nation U.N. Human Rights Commission, the global body’s top rights watchdog.

Eureka! We found it. The vaunted U.N. Human Rights Commission, which can claim about as many terrorists members as Hamas. Here comes the kicker.

The draft report, which will be presented to the next session of the human rights commission, dismissed the U.S. claim that the war on terror constitutes an armed conflict.

Well, what the heck is it? A sporting event?! And get this…

U.S. officials faulted the experts for rejecting an invitation to visit Guantanamo Bay, saying it fundamentally undermined the accuracy of their findings.

The five brains behind the report have never set foot in Gitmo. Shame on the U.N. Nice job of making your organization more irrelevant.

Bible Thumping

I’ve stayed away from sports since the NFC championship debacle, so here goes. I’m not sure why I find this interesting. But I do.

Lord knows, Falwell, Liberty thinking big in football

"I refuse to die," the famous televangelist told this week, "until we get this done."

No. Football. Falwell, 72, wants to preside over a Division I-A football program in his lifetime. A big-time D-I program, one that could take the field against Notre Dame some day on even terms.

The goal is for I-A to happen in the next decade. By then Falwell, who underwent heart surgery last year, will be 82.

America will have a fundamentalist Christian football superpower.

What Notre Dame is to Catholics and BYU is to Mormons, Liberty can be to evangelical Christians.

"The youth of the world speak two languages -- athletics and music," Falwell said. "They may not know who Billy Graham is, but they certainly know who Michael Jordan is, who Reggie Bush is."

Well, he’s got a point there.

According to 2005 statistics, there are 67 million Roman Catholics in the U.S. and 5.5 million Mormons. Falwell estimates there are 80 million evangelicals.

Well, I don’t know about those numbers. In any case, he knows the South, and the South knows football. I bet this works. It will be interesting, if nothing else. Maybe football will get him to loosen up some.

Friday, February 10, 2006

No Sheehan Campaign


Sheehan Won't Challenge Feinstein

"I think I'm more effective on the outside than on the inside," Sheehan said during a news conference across from San Francisco City Hall.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Media Turning on Cindy Sheehan

I was hoping the media would keep its trap shut, but John W. Mashek of US News has let the cat out of the bag. Someone tell them to wait until after Cindy Sheehan announces her candidacy.

A Capital View: Duo's antics signal U-turn on Democrats' comeback trail

Liberals should be embarrassed this week by the antics of antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

But they aren’t, so why fight it?

Leave it to far-left Democrats to mar what seems to be a comeback season for the party's congressional candidates this fall.

There has to be some kind of excuse for the coming failure.

Sheehan has lost a son to the war. Compassion for her loss is deserved and understood. But the TV cameras have given her a celebrity status and it has gone to her head.Those interviews outside the president's ranch in Crawford gave her too much TV time and strained her judgment.

Strained her judgment? What the heck does that mean?

First, she visits leftist President Hugo Chávez in Venezuela to recruit him for the antiwar effort in the United States. A silly move.

Then she sends up flares that she may symbolically oppose Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California in the party primaries. A stupid move.

Don’t believe them Cindy! They’re just protecting one of their own. I bet Castro will make a campaign appearance or two as well if you remote feed of course.

Senator Feinstein has been a distinguished lawmaker, one the Republicans have no chance of defeating unless she is roughed up in a primary.

They’re afraid of you.

Sheehan and Clark were together this week in a news conference to call for President Bush's impeachment. Fox News loved it. I'm certain Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, Ann Coulter, and other right wing extremists loved it, too.

I know I did! I love being an extremist. Ever since a minority started speaking for the mainstream, it seemed like the place to be.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Here is a Head Scratcher

I'm going to have a guilt complex now.

Tran Sient:
Thanks for the Cindy For Senate links. I enjoyed reading your blog. I will keep up with it in the future.

I always try to reciprocate with a link back if I can. You can understand my difficulties in figuring out a way to do this with the Cindy For Senate page. However, I have a link to your site up on the Cindy page now. If it is not OK, let me know and I will remove it.

Unfortunately, our traffic has died down during the past 2 days so I do not know how many hits you will get from the link. You never know things may pickup again. A friend of mine, who is from the Middle East, called today and told me he had found a reference to the Cindy For Senate site on the Islamic Republic of Iran News page, but it is not in their English edition.

Should I keep quiet or fill her in? In any case, go vote!!!

Cindy for Senate


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Even the Left Understands Sheehan has Lost It

It seems even the San Francisco Chronicle, or at least one of its writers, sees Cindy Sheehan for what she is. I wish they would keep it quiet. They’re going to ruin our fun.


And so I say with all love: Cindy, back away from the fame machine.

Don’t you know that without therapy, that’s impossible for Cindy? She’s addicted and has come to love herself too much. To steal a thought from Clint Eastwood, she’s a legend in her own mind.

And when things move too fast, you become a sock puppet, and easy to make fun of, and that hurts -- you, me, the cause, whatever.

Well it’s pretty darn good for me!

So somewhere, I think, Cindy Sheehan bought into the Cindy Sheehan myth.

You think?

What's Cindy Sheehan doing with Hugo Chavez? Yeah, she's a citizen, she can be where she likes, but whatever she does right now is real public. This just in: Hugo Chavez is not a nice guy.

And knowing this, Mr. Carroll still supports her?

Now Cindy Sheehan is talking about running for senator against Dianne Feinstein. That is such a bad idea.

It’s beautiful! Don’t screw with a good thing.

There's stuff that Cindy Sheehan could do right now. There are boatloads of veterans' issues, from stop-loss policies to inadequate body armor to stress-related mental illness -- they all need attention.

I must always point out how ridiculous it is when some lefty begins to care about defense issues such as body armor. The whole, ‘we need more body armor’ movement is nothing but a weak shot at the President. Does anyone think that Dems were hot on the body armor trail prior to the media ‘body armor campaign’? Cindy Sheehan sticking her two cents in on any issue is bad for that issue. She is not a veteran’s advocate. She is a left wing loon and nothing more.

By the way, the Sheehan for Senate site is down today. I hope it wasn't deleted.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Charges Dropped, Campaign Rolls On

This should get some great pub:

Police Apologize to Sheehan, Drop Charge

Capitol Police dropped a charge of unlawful conduct against anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan on Wednesday and apologized for ejecting her and a congressman's wife from President Bush's State of the Union address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

"Neither guest should have been confronted about the expressive T-shirts," Gainer's statement said.

Gainer added that he was asking the U.S. attorney's office to drop the charge against Sheehan. The statement also said he apologized to the Youngs and "share the department's plans for avoiding this in the future."

I love this next bit…

For his part, Bill Young said he was not necessarily satisfied.

"My wife was humiliated," he told reporters. He suggested that "sensitivity training" may be in order for Capitol Police.

In any case, she ought to be charged with bad taste.

Sheehan's T-shirt alluded to the number of soldiers killed in Iraq: "2245 Dead. How many more?" Capitol Police charged her with a misdemeanor for violating the District of Columbia's code against unlawful or disruptive conduct on any part of the Capitol grounds, a law enforcement official said.

I suspect we are in for a series of these embarrassments involving Cindy leading up to her announcement to run. She seems to be quite the publicity hound, embarrassing herself, marginalizing her movement, alienating her party and solidify support for George W. Bush. Keep it up Cindy! We are here for you. (Group Hug)


The tally is up to 16,062 at Cindy for Senate. Even with my five votes today, the energy seems to be winding down. Don’t let the moment die! Go vote…again.