Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Who are the Fanatics? (You Decide)

A review of the DNC and RNC sites is telling.



As you would suspect, the RNC site has a lot to say about Republicans. Surprisingly, so do the Democrats. In fact, both sites are entirely about Republicans.

Here are a few headlines from each as of April 19.

President Bush Remarks At Dedication Of Abraham Lincoln Museum

President Remarks On Strengthening Social Security

Sign up to host your own GOP House Party!
(Trying to imagine this)

DeLay makes more excuses:

As Americans Face Record Prices at the Gas Pump, They Continue to Wonder When Bush Will Take Action:

Republicans Continue 70 Year Tradition of Attacking Social Security:

They do have one thing to say about themselves…

DNC Launches Rural Radio Ad In Ohio (Alert the Media!)

Draw your own conclusions.