How Many Times do I Have to Say It!
I'm Not Irish!
Your Inner European is Irish! |
![]() Spirited and boisterous! You drink everyone under the table. |
I'm Not Irish!
Your Inner European is Irish! |
![]() Spirited and boisterous! You drink everyone under the table. |
This must be the week of the liberal press. The BBC provides the classic America/Bush bash veiled as some kind of international news story.
A Rocky First 100 Days for New Bush Term
The Philippines has long been an example of how not to run a country. The systemic corruption has all but destroyed a country of hard working and, despite it all, good natured people. As I have stated in the past, the United States bears a special responsibility for the problems there, as it was the US that colonized the country and ushered in the era of thugery and corruption that plagues it today. But now, an old concern is growing.
But some could be right.
Alright guys, you are one step from doing this right. Just wait to make the final decision on who plays in the new Championship Game after the other four BCS bowls are played. Please, I am begging you. Anytime an SEC team is undefeated and can't play for the Championship, it shows the whole system to be a sham. You are so close. Just make that final leap. I might even watch it this year if you do.
Nats 0, Phillies 3
Braves 8, Mets 4
Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Mark Stokes has some interesting things to say in the Washington Times today. His comments are reprinted in a Bill Gertz article and originally published in an article from the Taipei Times.
If there is one issue that should stretch across party lines, it’s our illegal immigration problems. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one railing against illegal immigration and the lack of a federal response to it. I just never thought it would be the LA Times.
Many in this country are under the mistaken impression that China is somehow reforming. It’s not, and I will beat this drum until my arms fall off.
Federal Gov't Investigates Big Dig Leaks
"While the authority has said its contractors, and not the taxpayers, will pay to fix all the leaks, we are not entirely confident of this,"
The project was originally estimated to cost $2.5 billion and be completed by 1998. This hole in the ground ultimately cost taxpayers $14.6 billion. Now the tunnel is falling apart and federal taxpayers will be asked to pony up again! How many times can they go back to the well? When money for the Big Dig was debated on the Senate floor in 1991, Senator Edward Kennedy stated,
“There is no intention of repeating or coming back for additional resources.”
In the mean time, the combined forces of Maryland, Virginia and DC have to beg and plead for $900 million in federal funding for the Woodrow Wilson Bridge project, before this ancient artifact falls into the Potomac. Its only the main north/south artery on the East Coast.
Thanks Ted
In Sports:
Nats 5, Mets 10
The AP once again must give us our weekly dose of death in Iraq.
Under their proposal, illegal immigrants would get three-year visas that could be renewed once. After completing six years of work, the immigrants would be eligible to "get in the back of the line" to apply for permanent legal residency, McCain said.
Based on the Chinese propensity to claim every island within 1500 miles of the Chinese coast as Chinese territory justified by ancient artifact finds, it would be in keeping with their standards. I suspect the French will move on this within the next week. This new information is indeed interesting.
I realize I am outing myself as a non-Skins fan, but I have to pay my respects.
Aljazeera regrets Iran suspension
Romania hits back at French ‘lecturing’
The Middle Kingdom mentality
Democrats Adjust Social Security Stance
Dean, answering questions at an Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Equality event on Friday, went on to say: "The issue is: Are we going to live in a theocracy where the highest powers tell us what to do? Or are we going to be allowed to consult our own high powers when we make very difficult decisions?'"
I was encouraged to read that my tax dollars are doing something useful.
"It is pretty much the dumber you are, the easier it is to get on the court,"
This is a baseball day and I will continue my typical rants in a bit. However, it’s the first Opening Day in Washington in 34 years.
China is defending its human rights record. Well, who can blame it. Even as the Chinese whine about Japanese actions 60 years ago, and claim that most of the Pacific is Chinese territorial waters, they continue to abuse human rights on an enormous scale. But these facts are nothing new. It’s this article from the Associated Press that bothers me. Shall we dissect it?
My most humble apologies, but it seems my blog was down most of the day for no particular reason. I went to the Blogger problem page to see what my problem was, but there is a problem with the problem page. I think I found the problem, with the problem page that is. The problem page does not exist. Now thats a real problem.
Every politically challenged site on the net seems to have some verbiage decrying the ‘Nuclear Option’. I feel the need to remind them that the first shot was fired by Democrats (In the post-Bork era). Let’s review some history:
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
On second thought, keep it up. It hurts your party.
As I stated in an earlier post 'The New Cold War', China is preparing for war. It seems I am not the only one concerned:
Chinese Break Windows at Japan Embassy
Someone help me out here. Last night I spent a lot of time checking out other blogs because Blogger was down and I had nothing better to do. Invariably, I came across many worse than stupid sites. A large percentage of blogs started off something like this…
Updated: It's Good To Know You Aren't Alone
In regards to Johnnie Cochran:
Nature blamed for Beijing's bad air quality
You've got to be kidding me! And in Arkansas of all places.
Now this I can't wait to see. I think they should put it on live TV. Having actually read 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' as well as various Thompson articles, I never really understood the huge attraction. Perhaps I'm just too square. That being said, getting your ashes blown out of a cannon is cool.
Alas, my psychic abilities ultimately failed me. With the blowout loss of Louisville, my bracket #1 fell to somewhere around 30th in the final rankings. The experimental bracket (#2) finished somewhere around 40th. Of note, I came in third in total number of games picked, but the points were skewed to the later games in the tournament.
Philadelphia 8, Washington 4
As all news centers on the passing of Pope John Paul II again today, I would like to take this opportunity to point out a major problem in a place he gave his attention when no one else did.
Disclaimer: I know that the Pope passed and I am sure he is in good hands. But every Blog, News, and Home Cooking site is talking about it, so I doubt there is much I can add.
Quote of the Day: